Name- Dr. MEENAKSHI YADAV Affiliation-PGDAV College (Evening), University of Delhi |
Designation and Department: Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce |
Education and Training: ·
Ph.D. in Commerce from Chaudhary Charan Singh University, Meerut, Uttar
Pradesh in 2019 ·
Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) from M.D. University Rohtak in 2010 ·
B.B.A (CAM) from
M.D. University Rohtak 2007 · ICWAI Final both groups are qualified along with 6th rank all over India in December 2013. · ICWAI Intermediate both groups are qualified along with 62nd rank all over India in December 2011. |
Teaching experience: 13 years Areas of Interest: Human Resource and Marketing Research: Micro-financing and Rural \development |
Research Publications: 3.
A Research paper on “Impact of SHGs on social economic empowerment of Rural women under NRLM : A case study of
Nuh Block in Mewat District of Haryana”
in Uttar Pradesh and Uttrakhand Economic Association (UPUEA) Economic Journal, A Biannual-Bilingual journal
of Economics vol-14,
Conference no-14, October 2018,
ISSN: 0975-2382. |
A Research paper published on “Gender and Climate Change:
Livelihood Challenges” in
Uttar Pradesh and Uttrakhand Economic Association (UPUEA) Economic
Journal, A Biannual-Bilingual journal of Economics
vol-13, Conference no-13, October
2017, ISSN: 0975-2382.
Research paper presented and
published on “Role of SHGs in Empowering Rural Women –Lessons learned from Mewat”
in a book form launched on the celebration of 25th Anniversary of National Commission of Women (31st January 2018) at vigyanBhawan,New Delhi.
Paper published on “Problems faced by Rural Women Entrepreneur in Mewat District of Haryana” in Academicia: An
International Multidisciplinary Research Journal in April 2014 issue. ISSN: 2249-7137. (Main Author)
Participated and presented a paper in the capacity of Co-author on
“Regulatory Framework with respect to Foreign Direct Investment in India” in the International conference organised by
Jaipuria Institute of Management on 08 – 09
February 2014 and paper published in a book “Changing Global economic perspectives” chapter no 53 and ISBN – 978-93-8326-307-3. (Co-author)
Paper published in the capacity
of Co-author on “Mobile – Commerce: opportunities and challenges” in
International journal of Innovative Research
Journal (online) March
2014 issue. ISSN: 2319-9725. (Co-author)
Paper published on “Emerging Trends of Rural Marketing” in special
issue of Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal
March 2014 issue. Impact factor
2.089 ISSN: 2249-9598. (Main Author)
Paper published on “CSR: A Performance Booster”
in an International multidisciplinary quarterly
bilingual referred research
BULLETIN” ISSN – 2229-3620. (Main Author)
Paper presented and published in the capacity
of Co-author on “Rural Marketing: A tool for enhancing economic
empowerment of SHGs” in International conference on Management
Innovations and published in a book ISBN: 978-93-392-0324-5. (Co-author)
Paper published on “THE IMPACT OF ECONOMIC
in e- Vaani International Journal
of Research in Management
And IT bearing ISSN No. 2348 1536
Volume: 1, Issue: 1, December 2013. (Main Author)
Research Projects:
A research Project titled ‘Spending and saving habits
of undergraduate student’s – A study
of universities in NCR’ as PI granted by Innovation Research project,
University of Delhi in 2013-14.
A research Project
titled ‘Perception of Students and Faculty Members on Employabitiy
skills – A study on selected
colleges of Delhi and Chandigarh’ as PI to Innovation Research project scheme, University of Delhi in 2015-16.
Faculty Development Programs and Workshops Attended:
Participated two-week interdisciplinary Refresher course in “Advanced Research
methodology” under the aegis of Ministry of Education PMMMNMTT
from 21 November-5 December 2023 and obtained
grade A+.
Participated in 4week Faculty Induction/Orientation programme
for “Faculty in Universities/College/Institutes of Higher Education” from 20 September-19 October, 2023 and obtained Grade A+.
Participated in one week Faculty development program
on Data Analysis by using R software” organized
by PGDAV College
(Eve.) from 17-23
January 2023.
Participated in one day workshop
titled “An overview
of Intellectual property
rights in India and abroad” on 26 April
Participated in one day workshop on titled
“Intellectual property rights- Patent process” on 2 May 2023.
Participated one day workshop titled “intellectual property
rights-Industrial design process” on 6 May 2023.
in one day workshop titled “intellectual property
rights-Trademark process” on 9 May 2023.
Participated in one day workshop
titled “intellectual property
rights- Geographical indication process” on 13 May 2023.
in one day workshop titled
“intellectual property rights-
copyright process” on 16 May 2023.
in one week international faculty
development program on” pedagogical training on ICT tools for effective teaching learning” from 6-12
September 2022.
in one week “GST Refresher Online
Certificate course” organized
by All India Federation of Tax
Practitioners from 17 -23 August, 2020.
Participated in one week FDP on Research
Methodology and Technology Led Paradign Shift
in Teaching and Learning Process organized by PGDAV College (eve) from 4-12 Aug, 2020.
Participated in International webinar
on “Emotional Well-being” organized by Mata Sundri
College for women on May 23, 2020.
Participated in National
Webinar entitled “Coronavirus Pandemic: Challenges, Opportunities and Road ahead” organized by
Research and Consultancy cell, PGDAV College (Eve.)
on 1 May 2020.
Participated in a one day FDP on
Developing Skills for Academic Research Publications in High impact Journals organized by Delhi Institute of Advanced
Studies on 12 Oct 2019.
Participated in a Faculty Development Programme on advanced
MS-Excel, organized by