Photoholic 1.0


                     PHOTO-O-HOLIC 1.0


 Commerce association of PGDAV college (eve.) organised an online photography event named Photoholic 1.0 .


The theme of the competition was 'Discover the light in yourself'. With the fascinating theme the competition attracted the talents from various colleges. 18 participation entries came in for the competition.


The competition commenced on 17th oct. and continued till 10th Nov. During this period, participants had to send their clicked pictures. This competition provided a platform to all the photography enthusiastic students to unveil their talent.


Screening of pictures took place till 10th Nov. and finally the result was announced on the 14th Nov. after the detailed and comprehensive screening.


Reeni Jain of Amity University was the winner of the competition and was awarded with a winning certificate and cash prize.

Participation certificate was given to the rest of the participants.


The association completed the photography competition event on a successful note. We thank all the participants for their participation in the event and wish them luck for the future.


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